Articles for tag: Snow White, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Window Cleaning

How to Make a Snow White Magic Mirror

Most little girls have a joyous period in their childhoods where they become enchanted with fairy tales.Whether it be the story of Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty or Snow White, these riveting stories where good always ultimately triumphs over evil, little girls dream of growing up to become one of their beloved princesses. Here is a very ...

Karla News

Differences Between Disney’s Snow White and Grimm’s Snow White

As we get older, we all seem to know that the fairy tales we were told and Disney movies we watched greatly differ from the original Grimm’s fairy tales. Grimm’s fairy tales were, in fact, very grim. Here’s some of the differences in “Snow White.” In the version that almost everybody knows, the Wicked Queen ...

Karla News

Movie Review :: Snow White and the Huntsman (2012) (PG-13)

Snow White and the Huntsman has been released on the heels of Tarsem Singh’s Mirror Mirror, the light-hearted, family-friendly, comedic take on the Snow White legend as told by the Brothers Grimm. Although they draw inspiration from the same source, you would be doing both films a disservice by trying to compare them. Let them ...