Articles for tag: Copperheads, Rattlesnake Bite, Rattlesnakes, Snakebites, Venomous Snakes

Karla News

Missouri’s Venomous Snakes

Missouri has 44 species and subspecies of snakes, and of these 85% fall into the “harmless” category. That is to say, they are not venomous. In fact, Missouri only has five species of venomous snakes, all of which belong to the family of snakes known as “pit vipers” due to the heat-sensitive pits above their ...

Karla News

Benefits and Uses of Medicinal Plants

Herbs and plants make up a large portion of the ingredients used by people throughout the ages to help combat disease and illness. Many of these medicinal plants are still used today all around the world. Take a peek at some of the different types of plants which are said to be useful for a ...

Karla News

Medicinal Flower-Based Herbs

Medicinal herbs serve as a wonderful alternative to modern medicine. Many people feel more comfortable using medicinal herbs when treating their ailments because they are aware of the ingredients that are being used, unlike many medicines and prescriptions that house several unknown substances. For thousands of years people have known that herbs can work and ...

Karla News

Medicinal Herbal Roots

Medicinal herbs serve as a wonderful alternative to modern medicine. Many people feel more comfortable using medicinal herbs when treating their ailments because they are aware of the ingredients that are being used, unlike many medicines and prescriptions that house several unknown substances. For thousands of years people have known that herbs can work and ...

Karla News

Types of Labret Piercings

Labret piercings are a popular way to decorate the body. The labret is a lip piercing that goes through the lower lip. There are a few different placements for the labret piercing and it is important to know them all before getting the piercing done. Placement of labret lip piercing: Labret piercings are done through ...