Articles for tag: Black Lab, Dog Behavior, Dog Body Language, Small Dog Breeds, Small Dogs

Karla News

Small Dog Breeds and Small Dog Syndrome

Small dogs are just so darn cute, you can’t help swooping them up in your arms and hugging them. Because of their small size, little dogs can get away with a lot more mischief than a larger dog is allowed to do and that puts small dogs at risk of becoming whining and hard to ...

Karla News

All About the Breed: Peekapoo

Also known as the Pekeapoo and the Peeka-poo, the Peekapoo is an affectionate and playful breed. But how do you know whether you are ready to purchase a pet and if this breed is right for you? This information is absolutely necessary in making the decision to purchase a pet. History The exact origin of ...

Karla News

Top 10 Small Dog Breeds for Families

Before you select a dog to bring into your home, it’s helpful to know a little about the particular breed history, temperament, and health problems typical for it’s type. In this article, we will discuss the top 10 small dog breeds for families and give an informative summary of each breed. 1. Dachshund The Dachshund ...

Karla News

Lhasa Apso Dogs: Breed History

One of the most popular small dog breeds in the world is the feisty and furry Lhasa Apso. Although it probably originated in Tibet, it could have also originated in China, Bhutan or Mongolia. The problem in tracing a breed’s history is that legend and sales promotion by breeders tend to get in the way ...

Karla News

How to Litter Box Train Small Dogs And Why Would You?

Potty training small dogs is, sometimes, a long and tedious process. Small dog breeds such as toy and teacup varieties of many breeds are often very difficult to potty train. With consistency and persistence, just about any dog can be potty trained but sometimes the small breeds take longer. They seem to catch on a ...

Karla News

Cat Houses Help Small Dogs Feel Safe

Though designed for our feline friends, cat houses are ideal for small dog breeds. Also known as cat caves, cat houses look like a padded box with a small entry hole on one side. Small dogs who suffer from separation anxiety or just want to feel safe can benefit from sleeping or hiding inside a ...

Karla News

Chihuahua: Little Known Facts About an Adorable and Confident Dog

Chihuahuas may be the smallest dog breed on the planet, but if you ask them, they are the biggest. This little “big” dog, according to the 2010 American Kennel Club Dog Registration Statistics, is ranked number 13 in popularity in the United States. However, there are some little known facts about the Chihuahua. Mexico is ...

Karla News

Best Chew Toys for Puppies

There is no getting around the fact that puppies chew. Chewing is a natural part of a puppy’s development, and if you can provide them with chew toys, they are less likely to chew on other things in the home like your favorite pair of shoes, or your new leather couch. This article will discuss ...

Karla News

10 Small Dog Breeds that Love Children

Not all small dog breeds love children. Some are too fragile for playing with little children. Other small dog breeds can be as temperamental as toddlers. And yet small dog breeds can be ideal playmates for little children exactly because their small size ensures that they will not knock children down accidentally or play too ...

Karla News

Small Dog Breed Temperament

Small and toy breed dogs are sometimes thought of as yappy and prissy dogs. Truth is like all dog breeds they all have very different personalities. Breed temperament are just general observations about the breed in general. Dogs are all individuals with their own personalities. Nothing can replace spending time with the dog you are ...