Articles for tag: Sinus Problems

Alleviate Your Pet’s Sinus Problems

Your pet needs their nose to get around. They use it to hunt for food, say hello, recognize you and others around them, and a host of other things. Because of all that snooping and sniffing sometimes your pet snorts something they shouldn’t and develops an awful sinus condition. Sinusitis is not serious at all ...

Karla News

RabbitAir BioGS Air Purifier Review

The RabbitAir BioGS is a high quality air purifier. It features a certified HEPA filter. A HEPA filter is a necessity if you are considering an air filter to help with allergies. HEPA is an acronym for High Efficiency Particulate Air, and for a filter to earn this acronym it has to remove 99.97% of ...

Karla News

Salty Taste in Mouth: Causes and Solutions

A salty taste in your mouth has a very interesting and likely cause. Many people are bothered by a salty taste in their mouth, in the absence of having eaten any spicy foods, and this strange sensation may be persistent, on and off, or more of an occasional issue. Nevertheless, a mysterious salty taste in ...

Nasal Spray Addiction

There are at least 50 million people in the United States that suffer from chronic sinus problems. For some it means a continually runny nose, while for others it means constant nasal congestion. The constant sinus problems, also know as sinusitis, can cause difficulty breathing, headaches, bad breath, and sleepless nights. Compounding this problem is ...

How to Prevent Snoring While You Sleep

Snoring while you sleep can keep you from getting a proper night’s rest and it can keep your partner awake as well. There are ways that you can prevent snoring so that everyone gets a good night’s sleep. Some people have even been known to wake themselves up because their snoring is so bad. Why ...

Karla News

How to Say Goodbye to Puffy Eyes

Nothing says old and worn out better then puffy eyes with or without dark circles, yet swollen eyes afflict young people as well as old. Many women begin having the problem in their teens, and some unfortunate people begin having swollen eyes during childhood. It is said that eyes are windows to the soul, and ...

Karla News

Minimize or Even Stop Acute Sinus Infections –

Unfortunately, I’ve been one of those 30+ million Americans who periodically suffers from sinusitis. By arming myself with knowledge, I’ve been able to cut these infections down to only once or twice per year. Early last month; however, I suffered with one of the worst infections I’d ever had. It began while on vacation in ...