Articles for tag: Healthy Sleep, Simple Lifestyle, Sleep Tips

Karla News

Tips to Combat Insomnia Before Visiting a Doctor

According to the National Sleep Foundation, approximately 70 million people have a sleeping disorder. Over 50% of all Americans suffer from insomnia. A majority of these people have not been diagnosed or treated. Chances are you are one of the them. Along with causing lack of focus and increased amount of accidents, Americans lose billions ...

Karla News

Artery Health: You’re as Young as Your Arteries

The adage, ‘you are as young as you feel’, is only partially true. The whole truth is you are as young as your arteries, because every other part of your anatomy’s health is directly affected by your arteries’ health. You can ensure or improve the health of your arteries, even reverse poor artery health, and ...

Karla News

Shrink Fibroids Without Using Medication

My diagnosis for fibroids (which are benign tumors in the uterus) was a surprise. Although I worked as an RN for more than two decades, it never occurred to me that fibroids were causing my heavy bleeding every month. As it turns out, fibroids are very common and it’s estimated that 75% of women will ...