Articles for tag: Fighting Fish, Pet Fish, Siamese, Siamese Fighting Fish

Karla News

Siamese Cats: Common Health Problems

Siamese cats are the most popular shorthaired purebred cat. But those beautiful blue eyes and graceful long bodies come at a price. Any purebred animal is going to be prone to health problems of the eyes and heart because they come from a limited gene pool. Breeds derived from the Siamese such as the Balinese, ...

Karla News

Siamese Cat Characteristics

The Siamese is one of the most beautiful cats in the feline kingdom. Noted for their gorgeous blue eyes and distinctive points, this cat breed is one of the first recognized feline breeds from the Orient, most notably from Siam. Ancient folk tales abound about Siamese cats being used to guard temples. Known for dedicated ...

Karla News

Ten Interesting Facts About the Burmese Cat Breed

In the world of cat rescue we have intaked some wonderful felines. Some we have not wanted to part with, because we, ourselves, fell in love. The Burmese we have been blessed enough to rescue fit into this category. Alas, we did adopt them out to wonderful forever homes, because we know we simply cannot ...

Karla News

Royal Canin Persian Cat Food

Like many concerned pet owners I searched for a long time to find the “right” dry food for my cat. I feed my cat canned food once a day but I leave dry food out for her to graze on all the time. I don’t mind paying for quality food but I don’t want to ...

Karla News

All About Siamese Cats

Siamese cats have long been favorite breed for those pet owners in the market for a purebred cat. While the Humane Society has many lovable cats available for adoption, some pet owners desire a particular breed for a guaranteed temperament or to compete in shows. Siamese cats are one of the most popular breeds people ...

Karla News

Those Amazing Meezers: The World of Siamese Cats

With their brilliant blue eyes and dark-colored “points,” these raspy-voiced felines are instantly recognizable. They have been celebrated on both the small and silver screen, in books, and in song. We are talking, of course, about Siamese cats, or meezers as they are called by their many admirers, a term which comes from the last ...

Karla News

Siamese Cats: Facts Every Owner of This Cat Breed Should Know

Siamese cats hail from Thailand (once known as Siam) and made their way to other parts of the world beginning in the late 1800s. Though considered an ancient breed (possibly the most ancient of all breeds), the exact origins of the Siamese are unknown, but it is considered a natural breed and is one of ...

Karla News

Identifying a Stray Cat’s Breed

Let’s say you adopted a stray cat. What kind of cat breeds went into the making of your cat? You may want to know partially for curiosity’s sake but mostly to see if your cat may be predisposed to health problems peculiar to particular breeds. The first thing you want to do is figure out ...

Karla News

The Unusual Qualities of Siamese Cats

Owning a Siamese or Siamese mix can be a wonderful experience for any cat owner. However, they do come with some personality and health quirks not seen in the average cat. Below are a few things you should keep in mind before you add a purebred or mix into your home The Chatterbox If you ...