Articles for tag: November 2010, Shark Facts, Sharks

Karla News

Nurse Shark Facts

Ginglymostoma cirratum, more commonly known as nurse sharks, are one of the more sluggish shark species. They can grow anywhere from 7.5 to 14 feet (2.2 to 4.3 meters) in length and weigh 198 to 330 pounds (90 to 150 kilograms). They have very strong jaws that contain thousands of tiny serrated teeth. Unlike most ...

Karla News

Super Books About Sharks for Pre-K Students

Have sharks made their way onto your list of Pre-K lesson plan topics? Has it left you seriously searching for several stories about the toothy predators to factor into your plans? If so, you may want to consider asking your local librarian to help you obtain one of the following books: “Hark! A Shark!: All ...

Karla News

The Truth Behind Shark Movies

“Bait 3D” is about to bring a new killer shark to movie theaters. This Australian horror film focuses on a group of tsunami survivors trapped in a submerged market with a deadly predator. The ensemble cast includes Xavier Samuel (“The Twilight Saga: Eclipse”) and Julian McMahon (“Fantastic Four”). Bait 3D” joins a long list of ...

Karla News

How Do Sand Tiger Sharks Reproduce?

Sand tiger sharks (also known as grey nurse sharks or Carcharias taurus) are relatively placid sharks, but their offspring are scarier than anything seen in the movies. Unlike most sharks, sand tiger sharks give birth instead of lay eggs. Although dozens of baby sharks are fertilized, only one or two survives to be born. Say ...

Sharks: 20 Bizarre Facts About Sharks

20 Bizarre Facts About Sharks: 1. Sharks read the earth’s magnetic field like a map – the ocean current creates an electrical field, and so does every living thing. Sharks have electrical receptors, like pores, the lower jaw and snout. This sense is so powerful it can detect prey that’s completely buried in sand or ...

Sharks of the Carribbean

Most of the shark species that can be found in the Caribbean region are not a threat to humans, as tend to not be as aggressive as other sharks. However, there are some exceptions to this rule, as the bull shark, the tiger shark, and the Caribbean reef shark, all found in the Caribbean, are ...

Karla News

Sand Tiger Sharks: Friend or Foe?

Within the last month, at least two men were killed by shark attacks. One of the victims was an American who was attacked off the Pacific coast of Mexico and the other was killed by a great white shark in California. While experts debate whether the attacks were simply coincidence or signs that sharks are ...

Karla News

Review of Shark Cordless Sweepers

I have owned several cordless sweepers in my life time. I have three cats and my husband is a fireman; they are not the neatest bunch by any means. Then one day while at the store I came across a cordless sweeper and decided to take it home and give it a try. I had ...

Karla News

Sharks and Their Amazing Sixth Sense

Sharks have powerful senses that make them such successful predators. Besides the standard senses, they have also developed a remarkable ability to pick up the electrical signals that are produced by all living things. This process is called electroreception. Electrical receptors are located on a shark’s snout and lower jaw, where tiny pores filled with ...

Karla News

Freshwater Shark Species

Some people are very surprised to learn that there is such a thing as freshwater sharks. Of course, most of the world’s shark species are found in the ocean, but there are some elusive and not so elusive sharks out there that can be found in freshwater. Granted there are only two types and possibly ...