Articles for tag: Dsm, Sensory Integration Disorder, Sensory Processing Disorder

What is Sensory Integration Disorder?

Children and adults suffering from Sensory Integration Disorder have difficulty processing sensory information from the five senses: taste, touch, vision, smell, and hearing. Those with Sensory Integration Disorder may also respond inappropriately to information received by their senses. The disorder is not currently recognized in the DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.) Many ...

Treatment for Sensory Integration Dysfunction

Sensory Integration Dysfunction is becoming increasingly recognizable and diagnosed in children and in their parents. Most people have at least heard of it, and many know someone who is affected by it. When I worked with individuals with autism, I was first introduced to sensory integration dysfunction, but now I know quite a few children ...

Karla News

Calming Activities for Children with Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD)

According to the latest research, Sensory Processing Disorder, or SPD as it is widely known, may affect as many as 1 in 6 children. Essentially, children with SPD cannot properly process and interpret everyday sensory information being received. This results in atypical behavior that can negatively affect daily life. My daughter was diagnosed with SPD ...

Karla News

Early Warning Signs of Apraxia in Children

Most of us parents think every move and sound our darlings make are causes for delight. We tend to dwell on new milestones (“Look, Susie blew a snot bubble today!”) rather than notice areas they might be lagging. But, I think a nagging sense of something not being right usually spurs a parent to ask ...

Karla News

Calming and Focus with Weighted Therapy

A true innovation, weighted therapy has helped millions of children out there, thanks to the deep pressure and guaranteed sensory integration. Weighted blankets are amongst the most popular products recommended for such purposes, being highly efficient. They are made from comfortable fabrics, and are offered at genuinely affordable prices. Parents and therapists also have the ...

Karla News

Deep Pressure Vests for Sensory Integration

Sensory integration is our ability to process all the inputs coming from our various senses and – well, make sense of them. Sensory integration disorder is a neurological condition that is characterized by the inability to deal with all that sensory information. People with the disorder may only be able to cope with input from ...