Articles for tag: Sense of Smell

Karla News

Ideas for a Biology Science Fair Project

Biology is simply described as the science of life. Projects for a biology science fair project can range from studies of human, animal or plant life. There are many difficulty levels available for these projects depending on the grade level of the science fair. For a student to do their best job, they should pick ...

Karla News

Your Baby’s Sense of Smell at Different Ages

It is a fairly well-known fact that eyesight can take several months (or even years) to develop in newborn babies, but what about smell? Even if your baby can’t see you very well, and even if his or her hearing isn’t yet acclimated to your voice, your baby begins to smell while still in the ...

Karla News

Causes, Effects and Treatment of Smell Disorders

Compared to many members of the animal kingdom, human beings rank pretty low in smelling ability. A dog’s sense of smell is a million times as keen as ours. Among individual humans, the variation in smelling ability is enormous. Researchers have found that people have different sensitivities to a particular odor. Some can detect a ...

Karla News

All About the Breed: Bluetick Coonhound

The Bluetick Coonhound is a friendly and intelligent breed. But how do you know whether you are ready to purchase a pet and if this breed is right for you? This information is absolutely necessary in making the decision to purchase a pet. History While the origin of this breed was not well-documented, enthusiasts believe ...

Unexpected Pregnancy Symptoms

Every pregnancy is unique with different symptoms and experiences. The most common symptoms of pregnancy, morning sickness, cravings, breast tenderness, and hormone fluctuations, are well known. There are unexpected symptoms of pregnancy that are less common. Although most pregnancy symptoms are not dangerous to mother or baby, you should consult a doctor whenever you have ...

Fun Facts About Animal Noses

Where would we be without our noses? Our sense of smell keeps us from eating that refrigerated week-old casserole with the unusually strong odor. The city gas department adds a rotten egg smell to natural gas so we can tell if there is a leak. Members of the animal world depend on their noses for ...

Karla News

How Good is the Bloodhound’s Sense of Smell?

“Does it not betray itself with its odor?” – Cicero Humans often overlook the importance of the sense of smell because we rely so much on our eyes and our ears. Many animals rely on smell, taste and touch more than sight, especially those that live in complete blackness underground or complete whiteness of the ...