Articles for tag: Brontosaurus, Cary Grant, Hepburn, Katherine Hepburn, Screwball

Karla News

Bringing Up Baby, Starring Cary Grant and Katherine Hepburn

Cate Blanchett won an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress of the 2004 season for her portrayal of Katherine Hepburn in The Aviator. Blanchett captured much of Hepburn’s mannerisms and style in her performance. For those of you who have never watched a Katherine Hepburn movie or have not seen one in a while, why ...

Karla News

A Primer of Major League Pitches

Ever wondered how Major League pitchers make a baseball do what they want it to? They use the twin seams binding together the flaps of the ball’s leather covering. Using various grips across the seams, the pitcher imparts a spin on the ball as he releases it. That spin creates two advantages: speed and movement. ...

Karla News

Guide to the Different Types of Pitches in Baseball

Have you ever heard someone talking about baseball and types of pitches and wondered what the different pitches meant? A fastball and a curve ball are easy enough to understand but what is a splitter? What is a screw ball? What is this gyroball everybody is talking about? Here is your guide to the different ...

Karla News

The Most Common Baseball Jargon

Do you have a baseball fan in your life? Do conversations regarding the sport of baseball leave out in left field because you have no clue what they are talking about? Have you ever tried listening to a game on the radio but couldn’t quite get what they were saying? Anyone who is not a ...