Articles for tag: Nerve Pain, Pain Relief, Sciatic Nerve, Sciatic Nerve Pain, Sciatic Pain

Karla News

Sciatic Nerve Pain Relief

If you have ever felt the pain of a sciatic nerve inflammation you are not alone. Millions of people suffer from sciatic nerve pain and spend days or even weeks trying to find sciatic nerve pain relief. Young and old alike find themselves in severe pain from their lower back right down to their toes ...

Karla News

Exercises for Back Pain (Sciatica) Relief

Exercises designed to strengthen the lower back and abdominal muscles can assist in relieving back pain. Moreover, these same exercises can provide relief to the disk(s) by gentle separation of the vertebrae. Disks provide a cushion between the vertebrae in the spine. Nerves travel through small passageways within the vertebrae. When a disk has become ...

Herniated Disc: Symptoms and Diagnostic Tests

Herniated disc, also called ruptured or slipped disc or herniated nucleus pulposus, a herniated disk occurs when all or part of the nucleus pulposus-the soft, gelatinous, central portion of an invertebral disk-is forced through the disk’s weakened or torn outer ring (annulus fibrosus). When this happens, the extruded disk may impinge on spinal nerve roots ...

Dealing with Sciatic Pain

For many people, sciatic pain presents as a pain or numb feeling on one side of the buttocks. Very often, this buttocks pain radiates downward, often into the leg and foot on the same side of the body. Sciatic pain in the buttocks can feel very much like a swollen or bruised area, generally in ...