Articles for tag: German Measles, Measles, Rheumatic Fever, Scarlet Fever, Tonsillitis

Types and Causes of Fever

Almost everyone is familiar with the uncomfortable sensations brought about by a high temperature or fever. In small children, fever can give rise to fibrile convulsion but mostly results are less severe. A raised temperature is a symptom of many common illnesses. For any fever that persists medical attention should be sought. Causes The commonest ...

How to Properly Treat Scarlet Fever

One of the most dangerous illnesses to catch back in the old days was scarlet fever, because many people back then didn’t know how to treat it, or what caused it. Scarlet fever today is very rare, but people still get it once in a while; however, it can be treated today. About a year ...

What Causes a Red Tongue?

Like fingernails, a person’s tongue says a lot about their general health – which is why doctors typically ask patients to stick out their tongue during a physical exam. A healthy tongue is usually moist and pink in color with a thin, white surface coating. On the other hand, the relatively smooth, pink appearance of ...