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How to Properly Treat Scarlet Fever

Rheumatic Fever, Scarlet Fever, Strep Throat

One of the most dangerous illnesses to catch back in the old days was scarlet fever, because many people back then didn’t know how to treat it, or what caused it. Scarlet fever today is very rare, but people still get it once in a while; however, it can be treated today.

About a year ago I had caught scarlet fever and thought it just might be a nasty cold or strep throat and there was no need to go to the doctors. After a few days of being really sick I developed red and pinkish patches on my tongue and white patches down my throat and had developed a really high fever. Once I noticed those entire things I decided to call the doctor and he told me to get to the office right away and of coarse he says its scarlet fever and begins treating me right away. I would have never thought it to be scarlet fever and didn’t even understand where I caught it or from whom I caught it from, but it happened. Eventually after three weeks it started going away with an antibiotic and I was better.

Scarlet fever is an illness caused by streptococcus bacteria, which is the same bacterium that causes strep throat. The only way you can get scarlet fever is by coming in contact with someone who has it because it can only be transmitted by respiratory fluids. Yes, scarlet fever is catchy and needs immediate medicine attention because it does spread extremely fast from person to person.

Symptoms of scarlet fever are a really high fever of anything above one hundred degrees, a red or pinkish rash on you body, a really sore throat, white or pink sore patches on the back of your throat or tongue, this is also know as strawberry tongue, and upset stomach. If you have any of those symptoms it is really important you go to the doctor right away to get properly treated.

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Scarlet fever is important to catch fast because scarlet fever can lead to rheumatic fever and possibly death if untreated. To treat scarlet fever you need to be put on an antibiotic such as, erythromycin or penicillin and the only way to get those is by going to a doctor. Some other ways to help get rid of scarlet fever along with taking your antibiotic are by drinking herbal teas to sooth the throat, drinking lots of water and vitamin c filled juiced, chicken broth, and Popsicles. Some herbal supplements to take are Echinacea and Gold seal, along with some vitamin c tablets. If you have a painful rash from scarlet fever apply some calamine lotion to it, it will help sooth the pain. It is also important to get a lot of rest while you have scarlet fever and to stay away from others. Yes that means calling out of work and school!

If you think you can’t catch scarlet fever now you’re wrong because you can. Remember scarlet fever is a dangerous illness if left untreated and can be passed on. If you notice you have scarlet fever symptoms do not wait it out and think it’s a cold. Go to the doctors as soon as possible because you will need an antibiotic. As soon as your on antibiotics scarlet fever is easy to treat and you should begin feeling better after a few weeks. To find out more information on scarlet fever check out the information online or go to the library and pick up a health book.

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