Articles for tag: Sabbats, Witchcraft

Karla News

Top 10 Wicca Books for Beginners

This list below is the top ten books (in random order) I found most informative and useful when I began my studies into Wicca and Paganism. Books are second best to learning first-hand with a teacher, but due to the rising popularity of Wicca, many publishers are publishing anything and everything. It’s very difficult to ...

Karla News

The Holly King and the Oak King

In Celtic mythology the Oak King and the Holly King are twins. Every year at the Winter and Summer Solstices, these two fight for dominance. In actuality, these brothers are two parts of the same thing, the waxing and waning of the yearly cycles of the Earth. The Holly King rules the waning year, from ...

Karla News

Book of Shadows: A Beginner’s Guide

A book of shadows is an essential tool for every wiccan. A book of shadows is a sacred book you make yourself to hold all of your spells, research, rituals, and philosophy. Writing a book of shadows can seem like a very overwhelming task. Your book of shadows is very sacred and very personal. Inside ...

Karla News

King James I, the Witches and MacBeth

Shakespeare’s choice of the supernatural, historically based plot of Macbeth was not an arbitrary one. The Scottish King James VI ascended the throne in 1603 and was, thereafter, known as King James I of England. The date of Shakespeare’s Macbeth is placed at between 1605 and 1606. Shakespeare chose a theme that would please the ...