Articles for tag: Russian Blue, Shelter Animals

Karla News

The Maltese Tiger: A Rare Blue Beauty

Occasionally, Mother Nature throws our planet a fastball, and we are left viewing something remarkable, incredible and outside the scope of our previous experience. The Maltese tiger, a mutation of the Bengal tiger that yields smokey-blue individuals, is one example of the beautiful and almost supernatural mutations seen in the natural world. The complex field ...

Karla News

Five Unique and Exotic Cat Breeds

In the cat world, there are many breeds that are considered exotic and unique. Some cats are very beautiful, while others are funny looking. The following is a list of cats that are considered to be unique and exotic. Egyptian Mau The Egyptian Mau is one of the most fascinating cats in the world. This ...

Karla News

Nebelung Cat Breed Profile

The Nebelung cat (Nay-bel-ung) is a new and rare cat breed whose name means “creature of the mist” in German. The Nebelung cat breed is recognizable by its steel grey coat and green eyes. The breed most resembles the Russian blue, with the difference being the coat length. History of the Nebelung Cat Breed Cora ...

Karla News

Why Can’t a Calico Cat Be Male?

Many pet enthusiasts know that calico and tortoiseshell cats are typically female. Some even brag that they’ve paid for a male, and that their cat is rare. Why does this particular color pattern happen mostly in female cats? What is Calico, or Tortoiseshell? Both calico and tortoiseshell refer to cats that have three colors of ...

Karla News

Should You Adopt a Russian Blue Cat?

Russian Blues are attractive cats that are highly sought after due to their reputation as a loving, loyal breed of cat. But is a Russian Blue cat right for you? Russian Blues Require a Lot of Attention Russian Blue cats love to have the attention of their owners, whether that involves spending an hour or ...