Articles for tag: Body Splash, Eddie Guerrero, Jeff Hardy, Rob Van Dam

Karla News

The Best Top Rope Finishers in WWE History

World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) is known for many great wrestlers and a wide variety of wrestling skills, but one thing that always gets fans on their feet is a top rope maneuver. Throughout history wrestlers have flown off of the top rope to crush their opponents below and some of these moves have had a ...

Karla News

Impact Zone Wrestling at The Sets: Arizona Wrestling Fans Now Have a Quality Escape from Their Daily Lives

In professional wrestling, few organizations can match the storied history of the National Wrestling Alliance (NWA). Established in 1948 as a governing body for the world of professional wrestling it oversees a number of regional wrestling promotions – acting as a “stamp of approval” for worthy promotions. Despite the territory system fading away in the ...

Karla News

Wrestlemania 23 Results and Fallout

Wrestlemania 23 is in the books, and the results have given us some indication of where World Wrestling Entertainment is headed in the next year. Let’s take a look at the match results and what they mean. John Cena beat Shawn Michaels to retain the WWE (Raw) championship. It’s time for everyone to get used ...