Articles for tag: Rheumatic Fever, Scarlet Fever, Strep Infection, Strep Throat, Tonsils

Types and Causes of Fever

Almost everyone is familiar with the uncomfortable sensations brought about by a high temperature or fever. In small children, fever can give rise to fibrile convulsion but mostly results are less severe. A raised temperature is a symptom of many common illnesses. For any fever that persists medical attention should be sought. Causes The commonest ...

Nosebleed (Epistaxis) in Winter

I have a nephew who often has nosebleed in winter. When his parents had him checked by a physician, they were told their son’s condition is really not that serious. The physician referred to it as anterior, a type of nosebleed that is harmless. He went on to say that in this type of nosebleed, ...

Symptoms and Treatments of Strep Throat

Strep throat is a bacterial infection in the throat that can cause a lot of pain and discomfort. It is caused by streptococcal bacteria, and it’s contagious and spreads quite easily. Symptoms of strep throat Fever Headache Difficulty swallowing and/or painful swallowing Swollen lymph nodes in neck Painful/sore throat Swollen tonsils that appear red Red ...

Karla News

The Tasty History of Wendy’s Restaurant

Dave Thomas was born on July 2, 1932 in Atlantic City, New Jersey. When he was six weeks old, he was adopted by a Michigan couple named Rex and Auleva Thomas. The adoption should have meant that young Dave had a permanent home and a normal family life. However, when he was just five years ...

Arthritic Stigma : That Ouching Arthritis! Acute and Chronic

Arthritis is generally thought of as wear and tear on bone joints, the hinges that allow our body to bend and move, which break down during the aging process. However, arthritis can strike anyone at any age. The underlying cause of this phenomenon seems to be inflammation. Inflammation according to Webster’s Dictionary means, “To set ...

How to Properly Treat Scarlet Fever

One of the most dangerous illnesses to catch back in the old days was scarlet fever, because many people back then didn’t know how to treat it, or what caused it. Scarlet fever today is very rare, but people still get it once in a while; however, it can be treated today. About a year ...

Karla News

Strep Throat Season is Upon Us. Be Ready!

The bacteria responsible for strep throat cause fifteen to twenty percent of all sore throats, the vast majority of the rest are caused by viruses. Strep throat is the result of an infection initiated by the group A streptococci bacteria, but is treatable with antibiotics, in contrast to viral related sore throat sources. Children in ...