Articles for tag: Ball Pythons, Boa Constrictors, Lizards, Reptile Care, Reptiles

Reptile Stores in Southern California

While traditional pet stores are often not the best place to buy quality reptiles, a reptile specialty store is a great place to buy a pet snake or lizard. Throughout southern California, there are several different retail establishments that are great places for new keepers, experienced hobbyists, and expert breeders to find healthy reptiles. All ...

Karla News

What to Do when a Reptile Stops Eating

Reptiles often stop eating when they are sick, stressed, or when they are not receiving quality care and husbandry. Consequently, many reptile owners periodically have to deal with a snake, tortoise, or lizard who won’t eat. When a reptile stops eating it can create a chain reaction leading to further weakness, illness, and metabolic bone ...

Karla News

The Los Angeles Reptile Show

The Los Angeles reptile show promises good fun for those enamored with scaly reptiles. Kids get a bit of education while concurrently marveling at the creatures that make mom shiver. Part of the L.A. Pet Fair, there are even pet adoptions available! L.A. Pet Fair: Reptiles! Rather than adding the reptile show onto the already ...

Karla News

The Water Dragon is a Perfect Exotic Pet

The water dragon is a beautiful arboreal (tree-dwelling) lizard that is native to eastern Thailand, Vietnam, parts of China and in eastern and south-eastern parts of Australia. Favored in the pet trade, due to their beautiful coloration, shorter lengths, and docile natures, water dragons can make a wonderful addition to any family, provided they are ...

Karla News

What Reptiles Make the Best Pets

Believe it or not, not all reptiles are the same. Yes they often have scales or are slimy, may enjoy lots of heat and don’t have cute cuddly furry coats but their temperaments and behavior do vary quite a lot. Take for example the three commonly available types of reptiles, snakes, lizards and turtles. After ...