Articles for tag: Del Monte, Frugal Cooking, RDA, Spaghetti, Spaghetti Sauce

Karla News

Healing Properties of Sesame Seed

Dating back as far as 3,000 B.C., sesame seeds were used by the Assyrians and are reported to be the first recorded seasoning in history. For nearly as long, a variety of sesame plants have flourished throughout the Middle East and Asia, where their seeds and oils have been used for culinary, medicinal, health and ...

Karla News

Vitamin E: Health Benefits and Foods

The antioxidant properties of Vitamin E have been given credit for everything from preventing aging to preventing cancer. While many of these claims are over-hyped, the body runs more efficiently with proper amounts of Vitamin E. Vitamin E foods are easy to find, but are often excluded from the diet due to their fat content. ...

Karla News

Chocolate Wars: Dark vs. Milk

Dark chocolate is sophisticated, mysterious, and packed with healthy antioxidants. Milk chocolate tastes really, really good. Milk chocolate is the chocolate of s’mores and basket bunnies and foil-wrapped treats in plastic pumpkins. It’s the chocolate memories are made from. But in recent years, dark chocolate has been getting all the press, touted for its vitamin ...