Articles for tag: GAD, Natural Sleep Aids, Prozac, Zoloft

Karla News

Living with Atypical Depression

What is atypical depression? Despite its name, atypical depression isn’t some rare or bizarre condition. According to research data compiled by the Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance (DBSA), atypical depression is the most commonly diagnosed subcategory of major depression. What we’ve come to think of as “typical” depression more closely resembles the subcategory known as ...

Prozac: Chemical Properties and Uses

Prozac is a pharmaceutical used in the treatment of a myriad of mental health problems, ranging from bulimia to obsessive compulsive disorder. It is also known by several other names, including its IUPAC name, N-methyl-3-phenyl-3-[4-(trifluoromethyl)phenoxy]propan-1-amine, and its generic name, fluoxetine, or fluoxetine hydrochloride. It has the formula C17H18F3NO. Fluoxetine sets itself apart from the rest ...

Karla News

Vets Prescribe Prozac for Depression in Felines

Recently, my husband came home from work to tell me of a friend he works with. Seems they had recently added a new bundle of joy to their lives. They happily brought the baby home, looking forward to introducing the cat to the new baby. Not only was the cat uninterested, he began to act ...