Articles for tag: Beginner Piano Lessons, Piano Lessons In, Private Piano Lessons

Karla News

Piano Lessons for Kids in Houston, TX

Are you looking for a piano teacher in Houston? Does your child want to take piano lessons? Would you like your child, or pre-teen to take music lessons? Or do you just want to learn how to play the piano? Here are a few options for piano lessons in the Houston area. Laura Profant One ...

Karla News

Piano Lessons in Tucson, AZ

Piano lessons serve as the basis of music instruction for many children. For many children, the piano is the first instrument they attempt to play. Although I can play only one song from memory, early piano lessons was my stepping stone to learning the clarinet. Piano lessons teach kids the importance of tempo, counting, hand ...

Karla News

Piano Lessons in Louisville, Kentucky

Most people don’t realize that the piano is the most popular instrument in America. In fact, according to the Big Site of Amazing Facts, the piano is played by about 21 million Americans. That’s a big number considering it means that more pianos are played than all other instruments combined! So, if you live in ...

Karla News

Piano Lessons: Determining the Perfect Age for Your Child to Begin

As a Professional Piano Teacher, parents often ask me what age is the best age to begin piano lessons. Since all children have different skills and abilities, the perfect age to begin private piano lessons depends on the individual child. There are three categories to consider when determining if your child is ready for piano ...

Karla News

The Right Age to Begin Piano Lessons

Excited parents have asked me many times during my years of piano teaching what the ‘right’ age for starting piano lessons is. The answer is simple: There is no right answer. The ‘right’ age for one child very well could be the ‘wrong’ age for another. So how do you know when your child should ...

Karla News

The Importance of Music in Our Lives

I love music. From the time I was a preschooler, I remember hearing my father improvise jazz on the piano, and my family listen to records. I was brought up with the music of the 50’s, and as I grew up and took piano lessons, I became very fond of classical music. Enter the Beatles ...

Karla News

Piano Lessons in Grand Rapids, Michigan

There are many wonderful piano teachers in the Grand Rapids MI area. My daughter had the pleasure of learning from a few of them. Learning to play the piano is a wonderful gift that you can keep for the rest of your life. Here are some wonderful people who share their gift and talent with ...