Articles for tag: Finger Puppets, President Lincoln, Presidents Day

Karla News

Presidents’ Day Craft Activities for Children

Every year Americans celebrate Presidents’ Day on the third Monday in January. While you wouldn’t be alone if you commemorate this holiday – which honors Presidents Washington and Lincoln – by sleeping late and hitting some sales, why not have some fun with your kids? Your children will enjoy these Presidents’ Day activities so much, ...

Karla News

President’s Day Lesson Plans

Presidents’ Day will soon be here. If you are a teacher like me then you have some lesson plans ready for that special day. I will share some basic core lesson plan concepts that you can expound upon for your students. They range in ages from Kindergarten to grade 2. Kindergarten Unit objectives: The student ...

Karla News

Free Printable Material for President’s Day

President’s day was originally designated to celebrate President George Washington’s birthday which was February 22nd, but then became known for celebrating both President George Washington and President Abe Lincoln. However President’s day is a great day to teach kids about the history of our wonderful country and all our leaders. If you need help finding ...

Karla News

February Lesson Plans for Infants and Toddlers

This is a unit of lesson plans for a week in an infant classroom. This plan is geared for infants 6 weeks to 15 months of age. Of course for the very young babies you may not be able to do a lot of the art or movement activities, use your own judgment and go ...

Karla News

A Collection of President’s Day Printables

Students learn about our Founding Fathers as they progress through school. Many think it is a boring subject and will gladly pass on any extracurricular projects. I have made a nice list of fun ways for both kids and adults to celebrate our country and its past leaders. This list includes not only coloring pages, ...

Karla News

Getaways for President’s Day Weekend

There are many choices for President’s Day weekend getaways in 2009. Having this special three-day weekend can be used for either relaxation or historical exploration, and it also includes Valentine’s Day this year. This is a guide to what deals and sights there are to enjoy for the President’s Day weekend of February 14, 15, ...

Is There Mail on Presidents Day?

So I was looking at Google Trends this morning and noticed that one of the top ten “spicy” questions was “Is there mail on Presidents Day?” Being that it is Presidents Day, the question is obviously timely, but it struck me as rather odd that after all these years people are still not sure on ...

Karla News

Presidents Day Activities in Boston, MA

Presidents Day Activities in Boston, MA can be exciting, fun and even educational. Massachusetts after all is the birth place of several American presidents. The second president of the U. S., John Adams was born in a village just outside of the city of Boston as was his son, also a president of the U. ...

Karla News

President’s Day Art Projects

Our President’s deserve notice on their special birthdays. As I introduce our 1st and 16th presidents to my preschoolers I ask them what does a president do? What does a leader do? What does a boss, a mom, or a teacher do? I help them understand that we need the president to help us learn ...

Karla News

President’s Day Lesson Plans for Preschoolers

The President’s Day lesson plans for preschoolers below are simple and geared for young children so that they can learn the basics about our presidents. Many of these preschool President’s Day activities require little more than some crayons and imagination, turning what can be a detailed and confusing holiday into something preschool kids can understand. ...