Articles for tag: Big Babies, Eating for Two, Pregnancy Weight, Pregnancy Weight Gain

Pregnancy Weight Gain

“Just a few more minutes,” that’s all I kept thinking as I was sweating my butt off on the treadmill at the small gym I was at. I am determined to lose the weight I gained after having my children. I had three children and gained a significant amount of weight with everyone one of ...

Karla News

How to Lose Pregnancy Weight Fast – the True Story

You’ve probably wondered how supermodels and celebrity superstars can have a baby and be back in a revealing dress or swimsuit, looking fantastic, almost overnight. You know they gained weight during pregnancy, so it appears as though they may know how to lose pregnancy weight fast. They do. Well, sort of. If you’re wondering why ...

Karla News

Keeping Breasts Perky After Pregnancy

One of my biggest fears in pregnancy was that my breasts would look horrible afterwards. I was excited to be pregnant, and didn’t mind the increased breast size as I had always been a 34B, but I was terrified that after I delivered my baby and discontinued breastfeeding, my breasts would sag down and look ...

The Dangers of Overeating During Pregnancy

Many women see pregnancy as a time to indulge their sweet tooth, their salty cravings, or eat for two. Most women manage to do so while staying healthy. And although the may overindulge once in a while, for the most part they stick to foods that provide their body and their baby with the energy ...