Articles for tag: Functional Foods, Intestinal Flora, Neuro Linguistic Programming, Prebiotics

Karla News

Bacteria in Your Stomach Could Be Making You Fat!

Typically bad nutrition and lack of exercise are blamed as the main causes of obesity. Some say it is as easy as: if you eat too much and you don’t exercise enough, you get fat. However, experts say that theory doesn’t explain every case. Now we know that the bacteria that live in our intestinal ...

Karla News

Product Review: Metamucil Berry Burst

I had a free sample of Metamucil in the cabinet that I forgot about until the other day when I was looking for something. It was about to expire, so I decided to try it. This product, Metamucil Berry Burst, is designed not only as a laxative, but can alternatively be used as a fiber ...

Foods that Contain Prebiotics

We’ve discussed what Fora is, what prebiotics and other healthy or helpful bacteria does for our digestive system, now let’s discuss what foods provide healthy bacteria and can enhance Flora. Foods such as yogurt, have significantly higher nutri­tional content than milk. The bacteria commonly used to produce yogurt-L. bulgaricus and L. thermophilus-produce biotin, a B-complex ...