Articles for tag: Pitbulls, Separation Anxiety

Karla News

A Pitbull with Separation Anxiety

Because of uncaring owners and inappropriate training, Pitbulls have been given a bad rap over the years. A friend from high school had a beautiful Pitbull, and she was the sweetest dog I had ever met. She never behaved aggressively, and she was always loveable and very happy to see me. Separation anxiety was also ...

Karla News

How to Train Your Own Pitbull Dog

Many think that a pitbull dog is vishes and aggressive but, it’s all in the way you train them. The training needs to start when they’re just a puppy, because if you wait and let the puppy get to old than you properly will end up having to take the dog to a trainer, and ...

Karla News

Should I Buy a Pitbull Puppy?

If you are looking for pitbull puppies for sale, here are a few things you should know before buying a pitbull puppy. 1. A pitbull can be the best dog you’ll ever own. The loyalty, intelligence, and humor of a pitbull are, in my opinion, unmatched by most other dog breeds. Many misperceptions of pitbulls ...

Karla News

Do Pitbulls Make Good Pets?

Many myths and misconceptions surround the American Pitbull Terrier, probably more so than any other dog breed. Unfortunately, the Pitbull’s future has been irreparably harmed by people who choose to train this naturally affectionate, people-pleasing dog to fight. Hyped-up media coverage of Pitbull attacks, often with factually inaccurate reporting, adds to the breed’s bad reputation ...

Karla News

Fighting Pitbulls Can Be Rehabilitated

I watched an episode of Dogtown, a show on the National Geographic channel, and they received 22 Pitbulls that were rescued from Michael Vick’s dog fighting ring. Dogtown is a rescue/sanctuary for dogs. They rehabilitate them to make the dogs adoptable or the dogs can live the rest of their life in comfort. The things ...