Articles for tag: Leeds, Pine Barrens

Karla News

The Jersey Devil: New Jersey’s Scariest Legend

The story of the Jersey Devil dates back to the eighteenth century. A woman named Deborah Smith came from England to southern New Jersey. In Pine Barrens, she married a man named Mr. Leeds and began what was to become a large family. The thirteenth born is the acclaimed Jersey Devil. The story of how ...

Karla News

Visit the Popcorn Park Zoo in Ocean County, New Jersey

Popcorn Park Zoo was established in the late 1970’s as a safe haven for wild and farm animals that were illegally obtained, physically ill or subjected to cruelty and neglect. It remains a sanctuary for more than two hundred animals whose previous hope for the future were dubious at best. The Popcorn Park Zoo sits ...

The Problems with Urban Sprawl

It has been argued that urban sprawl is the root of many environmental problems. Today, I am offering my viewpoint on this issue and reasons to support my position. What is urban sprawl? Urban sprawl is defined as “the increased use of urbanized land by fewer people than in the past” (CWAC, n.d.). In the ...

Karla News

Rare Frog Species of North America

North America seems to be a haven for frogs and toads. There are more than a hundred species in North America and not a single state or country on the continent is without one or more species. Frogs are abundant in North America. However, there are some species of frogs on the continent that are ...

Karla News

South Jersey Summer Festivals

Here in Southern New Jersey, we have a variety of environments in such a relatively small geographical area. There’s the ocean beaches and boardwalks of the Jersey shore, the stately evergreens and sandy soil of the Pine Barrens, and the urban sprawl and colorful nightlife of cities. We’re close enough to attend events in Philadelphia, ...

Karla News

Free Things to Do in Albany, New York

The best things in life might not always be free (iced frappuchinos, island cruises, and front row Billy Joel concert tickets come to mind) but as a struggling college student living in Albany, NY, I discovered that there were still some pretty darn good attractions in my city that were, in fact, absolutely free. Albany ...