Articles for tag: Glassblowing, Pick Your Own Apples, Sauder

Karla News

Things to Do in Toledo Ohio

If you’re anything like my husband and I, it can be a struggle to come up with creative ideas to occupy your family’s time. I’m hoping this list will be helpful to you in finding fun activites your whole family will enjoy. Toledo specific ideas: 1. 577 foundation – take a class at the 577 ...

Karla News

Fall and Winter Activities in Michigan

My spouse and I never get bored with fall and winter in Michigan, there are so many things to do outdoors you can never get bored. Below is a list of some of the things our family and friends love to do during the fall and winter. Fall means the cider mills are full of ...

Karla News

Ontario Orchards – A Fun Fall Outing for the Whole Family

As summer winds down and the beach is no longer quite so appealing, a trip to an orchard is the perfect way to enjoy a Saturday afternoon. In the Oswego, New York area, Ontario Orchards is a wonderful destination! Although open year round, autumn is the optimum time to check out the harvest available at ...

Karla News

Apple Day Festival in Julian, California

Julian, California is located an hour east of San Diego in the Cuyamaca mountains. Once a gold rush town, it is now a city full of shops and historical buildings. In 1907, Julian apples won eight gold medals at the Jamestown Exposition in Virginia. In celebration the town commemorated this prestigious accomplishment by creating a ...

Karla News

Apple Picking Fun in Upstate New York

Apple picking fun in Upstate New York is a family tradition for many residents in New York and other neighboring state. The combination of sparkling cool weather, beautiful autumn foliage and luscious fall fruit is usually enough to get families up and moving in the direction of some of these New York orchards. Each orchard ...

Karla News

Pick Your Own Apples Near Dayton, OH

After Labor Day, Ohio slowly makes it’s way into fall with falling leaves, cooler temperatures and for many families: Apples. According to the University of Illinois, 63% of apples grown in 2005 were eaten as fresh fruit. There is no way to get apples any fresher than picking them right off the tree. Many families ...