Articles for tag: Bozeman, Bozeman Montana, Marlboro, Philip Morris

Karla News

First Person: Marlboro Ranch

Would you believe that about an hour outside of Bozeman, Montana, is a ranch located in the middle of nowhere that offers once-in-a-lifetime opportunities? I couldn’t personally have thought that such a wonder was hidden away in the middle of nowhere, but there is. Thanks to Marlboro Cigarettes and Philip Morris, the Marlboro Ranch (also ...

Karla News

All About Smoking in the Philippines

Manila, Philippines – Close to 30 percent of Filipino adults smoke even if almost every one in the population is aware of the ill-effects of puffing a cigarette, results of a survey conducted across the Philippines in 2009 showed. According to the Global Adult Tobacco Survey (GATS), a joint effort by the Philippine’s Department of ...

Karla News

A Short Biography of Jeffery Wigand

Jeffrey Wigand is the whistleblower and alleged hero who was a top-level executive at Brown & Williamson Tobacco in the late eighties and early nineties who illegally breached two separate confidentiality agreements by leaking trade secrets to a television network (CBS) and the Federal government. Wigand is the son of a mechanical engineer, a dad ...