Articles for tag: Pet Trade, Southern Spain, Tortoises

Karla News

Hermann’s Tortoise Caresheet

Hermann’s tortoises are one of the most popular pet choices among tortoise enthusiasts, and with good reason. These tortoises are small as adults, which means building a suitable enclosure is not nearly as difficult as it is with some larger species. Further, Hermann’s tortoises tend to be friendly and sociable and, when they survive the ...

Karla News

How to Care for a Campbell’s Dwarf Hamster

These tiny hamsters are known by many names, some of which are longer than the actual hamster. Known as the Campbell’s dwarf, the Siberian dwarf and the Djungarian, they are perhaps best known as the Russian dwarf hamster. They are mostly silvery-grey with a pale belly and throat, but several new colors and patterns are ...

Karla News

Proper Feeding of Emperor Scorpions

Emperor scorpions (pandinus emperator) are the most popular species of pet scorpions for many reasons. They are eerily beautiful with their ebony carapace, they are quiet and they are not fussy eaters. But they do have some dietary quirks that their caretakers need to be aware of. However, they are becoming rare in the wild ...

Karla News

Caring for Red Foot Tortoises

Red Footed Tortoises are among the most popular tortoise species in the American pet trade, and with good reason. These gregarious, social tortoises are well known for their friendly and even comical nature, their ability to bond with humans, and their small size relative to other popular tortoise pets. These tortoises grow to be 12-18 ...

Karla News

Ryukin Goldfish: Appearance and Care

Ryukin goldfish are a type of fancy goldfish that do not make good wet pets for anyone who has never kept fish before. They have different care needs than a common or comet goldfish. Anyone considering bringing a Ruykin into their lives needs to be experienced with keeping common goldfish, black moors or fantails. Ryukins ...

Karla News

Main Breeds of Guinea Pigs

Cavies or guinea pigs have been domesticated for thousands of years. It is known that the ancient Incas developed different strains relating to hair length and how well they tasted. Today’s guinea pigs contain a wide variety of genetic mutations relating to color hair and even size, leading to the creation of a multitude of ...

Karla News

Scientific Names for 6 Common Pet Tarantulas

Why is it important to use the scientific name when buying a pet tarantula? In the tarantula pet trade there are common names for pet spiders that vary depending on region, preference, and what the breeders and importers decide to call them. Ensure you are picking the pet tarantula you want by using its scientific ...

Karla News

About Apple and Mystery Snail Reproduction

In the evenings I feed two aquariums filled with fish, snails and whatever random aquatic creature I bring home. After a liberal sprinkling of tropical flakes, shrimp pellets and algae wafers, I noticed a white clump stuck to the aquarium glass of the tropical fish aquarium. Was it calcium build up from our hard water? ...

Karla News

Topical Fish Species Group: Gouramis

If you are looking for a tropical freshwater fish that is beautiful, interesting to watch and easy to take care of, look no further than a gourami. The only gourami species to hit the pet trade that are too difficult for novice fishkeepers are chocolate gouramis (Sphaerichthys osphromenoides.) Gouramis are in the same family as ...

Karla News

The Green Tree Python – Pet Snake Profile

The green tree python is one of the most popular snakes in the pet trade. The reason for this is because they are absolutely stunning in appearance. The bright greens and yellows in this snake are unlike any other color on the planet. They are certainly unique. Keeping them as pet snakes takes some very ...