Articles for tag: Dog Food Ingredients, Dog Nutrition, Pet Nutrition, Senior Dogs

Karla News

Dog Food Ingredients for a Healthy Coat

No one is a fan of a dog with a dry, brittle coat. The dog is less pleasant to pet, and doesn’t look his best. Diet plays a huge role in coat health; what you feed your dog can directly contribute to that shiny, healthy coat your dog deserves. But with so many dog food ...

Animal Related Careers To Consider

Are you someone who has had a passion for animals since you were a child? Perhaps you bird watched for hours on end or constantly played fetch with the family dog? If so, you may have decided to pursue your passion through a career in an animal oriented field. However, you may find yourself somewhat ...

Karla News

Is it Really Necessary to Brush a Dog’s Teeth?

Get out that little toothbrush and the chicken-flavored toothpaste. It’s time to brush your dog’s teeth. Not only is it a necessary routine, but lack of proper dental care can actually lead to a number of health problems. A daily dental ritual will combat the ill effects of periodontal disease and keep your dog’s teeth ...

Karla News

Rachael Ray’s Dog Treats: A Product Review

Last year Rachael Ray introduced her pet food company and products to the world. They have been primarily a big success, whether from her name being easily recognized or her advertising campaign that promoted “healthy” products on television and print ads. Rachael’s Peanut Butter Treats come in a lime green bag with a re-sealable Ziploc ...

Karla News

Purina Kitten Chow Vs. 9 Lives Growing Years Kitten Formula

Our family recently adopted a beautiful male kitten, who was abandoned at a produce stand where we purchased our Christmas tree. We hadn’t had a kitten in years, having lost our 7-year-old cat to cancer at Halloween. We brought him home after a side trip to the grocery store to pick up some kitten food. ...

Dr. Frank’s Joint Pain Relief for Pets

Is your pet constantly falling? It may be that Fido is overweight or just experiencing some age related joint problems. Whatever the causes for your pet’s joint pain Dr. Frank’s pain relief spray promises dog and cat owners some peace of mind. If you’ve watched the infomercial you’d see different dogs that are either obese ...