Articles for tag: Ants, Carpenter Ants, Permethrin

Karla News

About Black Tree Ants as Pets

According to Donald Lewis, an extension entomologist at Iowa State University, although there are other types of big black ants, when you refer to these types of ants you are usually referring to carpenter ants. Carpenter ants burrow into the wood in your home and in trees and can cause a lot of damage. Knowing ...

How to Treat Pubic Lice Problem Effectively

Lice are terrible and I’m speaking from personal experience when I say that it’s really difficult to deal with them when they come on your head. The endless itching can drive any sane person mad with irritation but just imagine what will happen when you transfer those same irritating lice to your pubic hair by ...

Karla News

Removing Nits from Children’s Hair

If only getting rid of lice and their nits were as easy as getting lice! Any child can get head lice and this doesn’t mean the person has poor hygiene. The most important thing to know about lice is that is possible to get rid of them. It may take time, especially if the infestation ...

Karla News

Myths About Tick Removal

As the summer months are ahead of us, those who dare to venture into the woods or areas that could be infested with ticks, need to be aware that some of the traditional methods of removing ticks are wrong. Ticks are not insects. However, they are classified as arachids, closely related to spiders. All ticks ...

Karla News

How to Kill Lubber Grasshoppers

The Eastern lubber grasshopper is found mostly in the Eastern and Southern states. They are a large, distinctive looking grasshopper. When they are full grown, they are black with yellow stripes on their bodies. The grasshoppers will eat and destroy crops and general landscaping and can be a real nuisance. They are migratory creatures and ...

Karla News

How to Get Rid of Maggots in the House

Finding maggots in the house can be a nightmare, especially when they suddenly appear in great numbers on floors, under kitchen appliances, and in sinks in areas where food is prepared. These are just a few of the areas in a house where maggots can appear. Use this information to get rid of maggots in ...