Articles for tag: Early Menopause, Menopause Health Risks, Perimenopause

Physical and Emotional Challenges with Early Perimenopause

Health Issues For some women, the perimenopause stage is a wake-up call. Their bodies are changing and good health becomes a greater issue. For women in early perimenopause, this happens sooner and is sometimes unexpected. Perimenopause is the period around the onset of menopause when a woman first starts to notice physical symptoms. Menopause usually ...

Karla News

Are You Suffering with Vertigo and Dizziness in Perimenopause?

If you are suffering from vertigo and dizziness in perimenopause, I can assure you, you’re not alone. Scores of women complain of vertigo and dizziness during perimenopause. So many, in fact, that the posts I write on these symptoms never fail to receive an impassioned response by frustrated and overwhelmed women just like you. That’s ...

Karla News

Are You Going Crazy or is it Perimenopause?

As a women’s health blogger on the subject of perimenopause, I often hear from women who, when entering perimenopause, feel like they are going crazy. Certainly, when I began my own journey into perimenopause at the age of 41, I wondered the same thing myself. Unfortunately, perimenopause does not have a clearly defined beginning or ...

Karla News

Signs and Symptoms of Perimenopause

The first signs of perimenopause may go unnoticed. They may be subtle and far between. The time span of the perimenopause stage of life can lasts up to 10 years. As the time of menopause approaches the symptoms may become more evident. Perimenopause starts for most women, in their late 30’s or 40’s. The signs ...

5 Natural Ways to Handle Perimenopause

Years before the end of your periods, a woman goes through a transitional time that is called perimenopause. This transition – puberty in reverse – occurs as your hormones are gearing down from the high levels needed to reproduce. This transition can take between a year and 10 years, but averages about three years. After ...

Women’s Health – What is Perimenopause?

It’s common to hear woman talk about ‘going through menopause’, but the truth is that menopause itself begins the day that you have gone 12 months without a period. The time leading up to menopause is called perimenopause (or sometimes premenopause) and it can start in women as young as 30. What are some of ...

Clincal Depression in Perimenopause

In her ground breaking book, The Female Brain, physician and neurobiologist, Dr. Louann Brizendine, tackles the issue of hormones and depression in women. Intrigued by research data which shows that women suffer from depression at a ratio of 2 to 1 compared to men, Dr. Brizendine deftly outlines the different stages of a woman’s life ...

What Are the 35 Symptoms of Menopause?

It’s finally come. You’ve reached middle age and you’ve started noticing a change in your menstrual cycles. Maybe you’ve even skipped one or two only to get hit with a flooding, gushing period to end all periods. And those blood clots? Oy. Like most women, you’ve probably expected the hot flashes and the night sweats, ...

Perimenopause Anxiety and Depression

Perimenopause, menopause, and hormones are three dreaded words. Perimenopause is the time before a woman’s menstrual cycle has ceased. Your cycle may be sporadic, irregular, extremely heavy, extremely light, but if you are still bleeding, you are in perimenopause. Menopause is the period of time after a woman has stopped bleeding. We have all heard ...