Articles for tag: People Pleasing, Racial Differences, Racism in America

Karla News

Emotional Anxiety Tied to Colon Spasms

There was a process of time in my life when I ended up with stomach aches bent over in bathrooms in many different homes and businesses. I would hear my stomach making horrible grumbling sounds and I would be doubles over not knowing if it was going to result in vomit or diarrhea. I even ...

Karla News

Shiba Inu Dog Breed: Temperament

Shiba Inus are smarter than most people. This is why not everyone gets along with them and why, sadly, many Shiba Inus wind up abandoned. But there are people who admire and can relate to the temperament of the Shiba Inu or Shiba. Living with a Shiba can be different from living with a mongrel ...

Karla News

Five Reasons Why We Prefer Blunt People

I prefer blunt people – the type who uncontrollably blurt out the truth that everyone else is avoiding – for several reasons. Yes, blunt people will occasionally hurt your feelings by stating a criticism in unvarnished form, but their virtues far outweigh their vices. Why We Prefer Blunt People Here are my 5 top reasons ...

Karla News

Do Pitbulls Make Good Pets?

Many myths and misconceptions surround the American Pitbull Terrier, probably more so than any other dog breed. Unfortunately, the Pitbull’s future has been irreparably harmed by people who choose to train this naturally affectionate, people-pleasing dog to fight. Hyped-up media coverage of Pitbull attacks, often with factually inaccurate reporting, adds to the breed’s bad reputation ...

Karla News

How to Train a Blue Heeler Puppy

It’s important to understand instinct when training a dog. We are the proud owners of a 7-month old blue heeler puppy. Calling him a puppy is a bit of a misnomer, in that he weighs about 60 solid-muscle pounds, but he still acts like he is a pup. This means he wants to be cuddled, ...