Articles for tag: Bedtime Routines, Divorced Parents, Parenting Classes

Karla News

What is a Baby Dedication Service?

Welcoming the new addition Anticipation and excitement fill the air in the days prior to and following a baby’s birth. He/she is the recipient of lavish love and attention and the parents begin to realize the wonderful yet daunting role that they will play in shaping and modeling the young life that has been entrusted ...

Karla News

Baby’s First Stool

I had my first horrible poop diaper moment before ever leaving the hospital. The black tarry stool should be described in all parenting books. I read my fair share of the mother-to-be books and never once heard of the first stool being black. I was leaving the hospital with my new baby boy that day. ...

Karla News

Characteristics of a Dysfunctional Family

What is a dysfunctional family? It’s when a healthy functioning family becomes disrupted after stressful circumstances occur. This can be something like a family death, a parent being seriously ill, or anything else that brings grief into a household. Unfortunately, while normal families recover quickly after grief from these problems, dysfunctional families never do and ...

Karla News

6 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Spank Your Child

“He just needs a good spanking,” barks your mother-in-law over the three year old temper tantrum erupting on her living room floor. Is she right? Would a spanking calm him down, stop the tantrum? Most likely not, it would probably result in the exact opposite. His alligator tears turning into full-blown, heart-stopping sobs, followed by ...

Karla News

Mandatory Parenting Classes: Won’t Help

A law passed in California, which requires parents to attend mandatory parenting classes, simply misses the mark. It seems that as a parent and a social change advocate, I would be standing up and bowing to California for their seemingly forward thinking. Unfortunately, California is completely bass ackwards! Under the current law, parents of convicted ...

Karla News

How to Keep Your Kid’s Shoes Tied

When it comes to keeping your kid’s shoes tied, are you fighting a losing battle? Most kids learned to tie their shoes at an early age. It’s a landmark accomplishment. That doesn’t mean they stay tied. Elementary tying skills sometimes equal skinned knees. If it seems like your kid’s shoes are becoming untied a little ...