Articles for tag: Malt, Ovaltine

Karla News

Easy Home Remedies for Upset Tummies

Upset stomachs, or tummy aches, can be horrible. Often you can feel uncomfortable or even queasy for long periods of time without actually throwing up or having a fever, but it is enough to keep you from sleeping at night and feeling miserable during the day. Whether your upset tummy is caused from stress, motion ...

Karla News

Postum Coffee Substitute Dies but Mormons and Others Aren’t Ready to Accept the Finality of Kraft’s Decision to Kill the Product

Have you tried to find Postum lately? Did you ever drink this caffeine fee substitute for coffee? Plenty of people did. According to a recent article in The Christian Science Monitor called “Postum Drinkers No More” the product is being discontinued. Apparently, there isn’t a real substitute for Postum, a beverage made from roasted grains, ...

Karla News

Ovaltine Comes Out of Retirement!

When you hear the word Ovaltine, do you think of your grandmother, or other retired people? For some reason, Ovaltine got labeled as on old person’s drink. It’s lumped right in there with Ben Gay and Metamucil. I am sure you have all heard a few Ovaltine jokes in your days. I watched with much ...

Nesquik Versus Ovaltine

It’s no secret that our kids drink too many sodas and not enough milk. If your children do not like plain milk, a chocolate milk mix may be the answer. This article reviews two of the most popular: Nesquik and Ovaltine. Nesquik is now marketing itself as a lower sugar alternative to chocolate syrup and ...

Foods to Avoid If You Are Lactose Intolerant

It is not uncommon for people’s body to change as they get older and suddenly develop an intolerance to Lactose. Basically, being “Lactose Intolerant” means that your body is now unable to digest and absorb lactose (the sugar in milk) and can cause gastrointestinal symptoms when milk, or any product containing milk, is consumed. Until ...

Karla News

Homemade Recipes to Calm an Upset Stomach

Upset stomach ache can be one of the most difficult ailments to suffer through. Whether caused from overeating, reflux, or simply stress, calming an upset stomach is not always the easiest thing. Without grabbing a glass full of baking soda water like grandma used to or heating up some milk, many feel they have no ...

Nesquik VS. Ovaltine

What kid doesn’t love chocolate milk? When I got the assignment from Associated Content to write reviews of two companies, comparing them, I immediately wanted to Nesquik verses Ovaltine. They compete against each other in the media so why not in my own household. Sugar Content: This is important to me. I have a little ...

Karla News

The History of Mass Media in America

Introduction� Mass Media incorporates all those mediums through which information is distributed to the masses. These include advertisements, magazines, newspapers, radio, television, and the Internet. Although some media may have originated in the Europe, the mass distribution and development of most mass mediums occurred in the United States.� Advertising 1841-1929 The expansion of the United ...