Articles for tag: Brown Recluse Spider, Bug Control, Outdoors Activities, Poisonous Spiders

Poisonous Spiders of the United States

Of the thousands of different kinds of spiders that exist, most are harmless to people and are very beneficial to the environment and bug control. However, there are four kinds of poisonous spiders living in the United States that pose a danger to people. They are called the Brown Recluse spider, the Yellow Sac spider, ...

Karla News

How to Plan a Safe Hiking Trip

Now that the cooler, milder days of fall are upon us, it is the perfect time to enjoy the great outdoors. One of my most favorite fall outdoor activities is hiking. In my opinion, nothing beats breathing in the crisp fall air surrounded by the vibrant colors of falling leaves. The experience is just so ...

Karla News

Things to Do in Columbia, Missouri

Being in in the middle of the state, halfway between two large cities (Kansas City and St. Louis), Columbia sometimes gets overlooked. Many people don’t understand the happenings of this college town – not big enough to be considered a large city, but definitely too big to be considered a town. Columbia, Missouri is the ...

Karla News

Top Ten Gift Ideas for Eight-Year-Old Boys

This was an easy question for my 8 years boy: what toys are the best these days? His eyes opened widely and he started to talk about gifts fast, and with a confidence that remind me to an executive CEO explaining his business to a group of possible buyers. I wished secretly he always talk ...

Karla News

10 Affordable Outdoor Activities to Do in Texas

Texas has beautiful weather for most of the year. So if you live in Texas or are just visiting, it is a great time to be outdoors. Here are 10 affordable things you and your family can do outdoors in Texas. 1. Visit a state park- There are a variety of options available to you ...

Karla News

Cheapest Vacation Destinations: Europe

In general, Europe is an expensive and crowded place to travel, putting a lot of strain on your wallet and your patience. What many people don’t realize however, are the great deals they can get by traveling to some of the lesser-known eastern European countries. Many of these places rival the best-known Western European destinations ...

Karla News

Outdoor Activities in Kentucky

Here in the beautiful Bluegrass State, there is something for everybody. Especially when it comes to the great oudoors. No matter if you just want to get away to relax, spend time with your family or, hiking and taking in the beauty there is an activity waiting for you here. Following is just a list ...