Articles for tag: Garden Maintenance, Grass Clippings, Mulch, Organic Mulch, Pine Needles

Karla News

Buying Bark Mulch: Uses and Types

Using bark mulch continues to be a popular method of not only controlling weeds, but also for landscaping. What is the difference between wood and bark mulch? Anything with “bark” in the name must be at least 85% bark of the tree that is named. Wood tends to breakdown quicker than bark. The mulch also ...

Karla News

Mulching Flowerbeds Made Simple

I noticed on my way home that my neighbors have planted beautiful flowerbeds in their front yard. However, they did not mulch the flowerbeds and I have always been taught that you should mulch flowerbeds for the best results. Mulching has many benefits and learning how to mulch a flowerbed is really quite simple. Mulching ...

Karla News

The Best Tips for Weeding Your Garden

Home gardening is one of the most enjoyable and satisfying activities of the warmer months. The dark cloud on every gardener’s sunny horizon are weeds. Anywhere that your ground is bare on top is susceptible to germinating weeds. This is especially true if the ground is watered and fertilized, like a garden. Weeds can choke ...