Articles for tag: Opiates

Methadone Treatment During Pregnancy

Nearly any pregnant woman will tell you that she wants the best for her unborn child. For many mothers-to-be, this means giving up smoking and drinking, recreational drug use or limiting caffeine. For some mothers, this means starting a methadone treatment program. What is methadone? Methadone, also known by the brand names Diskets, Dolophine and ...

What You Need to Know About Suboxone Overdose

Suboxone overdose symptoms are very similar to the overdose symptoms for other opiates. The Suboxone is actually in the opiate family, but it is used to treat long-term opiate addicts. The drug is a combination of two medications, naloxone and buprenorphine, that block the opiate in the nervous system. Together, the drugs work to appease ...

Karla News

Endorphins Are Natural Painkillers and Mood Elevators

Endorphins are your body’s natural painkillers, and they also contribute to a sense of well-being. During times of emotional stress, endorphins are released in the limbic system of the brain and produce a euphoria that lessens anxiety and melancholy. Endorphins are believed to produce four key effects on the body: they relieve pain, they reduce ...

Karla News

What You Should Know About Opiate Overdose

Opiate overdose symptoms result from a nearly lethal dose of heroin, OxyContin, Codeine, Demerol and other opium-based narcotics. Both the prescription and illegal opiates can produce an overdose, and those overdoses are increasing. The University of Maryland’s 2010 study found that the rate of overdose from prescription opiates and heroin rose 291 percent between 1993 ...

Karla News

Natural Treatment of Withdrawal Symptoms

There is no single more difficult medical problem than having to go through withdrawal from a physically addicting drug. Whether the drug is prescribed or an illegal psychotropic, whether it is orally ingested, snorted, or injected, whether it has been one year or ten, stopping the use of a physically addicting substance will prove to ...

Opiate Detox Without the Withdrawal

I am a recovering opiate addict. I have been through the severe withdrawal symptoms that opiates cause in your body. They were painful, excruciating at times and I will never, ever be able to erase that experience from my mind. Here’s the thing…I consider that to be helpful in my recovery. The Slow Taper Method ...