Articles for tag: Barbara Kingsolver, Dave Barry, Ogden Nash, Paul Reiser, Phyllis Diller

Karla News

My Favorite Humorous Parenting Quotes

I don’t need to share musing with any other parent about what serious business rearing children is. We are ever fretting, overwhelmed and overcome with all that it is – and sometimes we forget to have a sense of humor about it all. Here are some of my favorite humorous quotes about parents and parenting, ...

Karla News

Jokes and One Liners for the Bride’s Speech

It used to be the the bride didn’t traditionally give a speech on her wedding day. The best man gave a speech and the father of the bride could give a speech, but she never was called upon to stand up and say some words. Afterall, the wedding day was the bride’s day. She was ...

Karla News

Phrase Origins: Halcyon Days

I used to think that the phrase “Halcyon days” meant the “early days” or “the days before one was experienced.” However, this usage is actually incorrect. The phrase “Halcyon days,” means “calm, peaceful days.” It turns out that the phrase is very old. The origin starts with Ovid’s Metamorphoses which was thought to be written ...

Karla News

The Best Quotes About Dogs

Man’s best friend? Some people think so. Dogs are one of the most common domestic pets in America and most people hold an opinion (of some kind or another) about them. Her are some of the best Quotes about dogs… The dog was created especially for children. He is the god of frolic. —Henry Ward ...

Karla News

5 Wonderful Ways to Collect Children’s Books

Most children’s book collections begin with a few beloved volumes from the collector’s own childhood. Searching children’s literature for similar books is usually an act of love but can take time and effort. It helps to have a plan to guide the seach. Here are five methods collectors use to build from early favorites to ...