Articles for tag: Office Jobs

Karla News

Product Review: Canon MX700 Four in One Inkjet Printer

We honestly enjoyed our Epson 825 printer. There really is not a thing wrong with it. However, when our family upgraded computers and responsibilities, we realized that we needed to get another printer that did more than just push out pretty papers. We needed a copier, scanner, printer, and etc. type of machine. However, we ...

Volunteer Opportunities in Tucson, AZ

As the unemployment rate continues rising, many people have increased their volunteer service until they find viable jobs. You may be one such individual. Volunteer opportunities help the community, as well as the one participating in community service. If you are unemployed, it keeps you occupied, maintain current skills and even discover a new talent. ...

Legitimate Work at Home Office Jobs

Legitimate work at home jobs are real jobs that will either pay you hourly, by salary or on a contractual basis. They do not ask you for money to receive some package that will tell you how to make money. These jobs require that you work first, then you get paid. The income may not ...

Why Mowing Lawns is Not a “Lowly” Job

As a young man mowing lawns, I always felt like my job was looked down upon. I never really understood why, though. After all of my experience, I’ve pinpointed some of the reasons why some people don’t respect lawn mowing as a job, and here are three reasons why lawn mowing is a respectable job ...

Karla News

Good Jobs for Adults with Attention Deficit Disorder

We hear a lot about attention deficit disorder (better known as ADD) in kids. But for some people, it’s not until they reach adulthood that they even realize they struggle with ADD. Unfortunately, they spend years of either being laid off or quitting their jobs because they have trouble with organization, as well as focusing. ...

Business Administration Management & Operations

What exactly is business administration management and operations? This is actually a broad category tying together the very heart of any business. Positions include: office management, administrative service, training and development, industrial production, purchasing, transportation and distribution management, secretarial duties, clerical, and insurance processing,and other administrative positions. With 547,000 new positions each year ranging in ...

National Medical Assistant Certification

Medical assistants that have their national medical assistant certification have much to offer in today’s society with a big increase in demand with medical health care. The medical assisting field is one of the world’s largest growing fields due to the increased number of practices and clinics that are showing up worldwide. These businesses need ...