Articles for tag: Ocs

Karla News

Why We Have a 1994 Mercury Cougar XR7

Between my husband and I as well as during our marriage, we have owned quite a few cars over the years. We’ve had good cars like the Blue Audi Fox and the Acura and really bad cars like the Renault which spent most of its time up on blocks and the 1970’s Mustang that didn’t ...

The Reality of Navy OCS, Part 1

For those who have looked on the internet for information on life in navy OCS, the available material is suprisingly scant. Most sites sum up the program with ‘there is no preparing for OCS,’ and ‘it can’t be described, you have to be there.’ Certainly, these articles did completely fail to explain in visceral, meaningful ...

Karla News

The Reality of Navy OCS, Part 3

Stopping to have a meal is one of the most pleasant and relaxing activities in one’s daily routine. One might very well not fully appreciate just how important sitting down and eating a meal is until one has lived in the program. In Navy OCS, meals are naturally one of the most tense and nerve-wracking ...

Circuit Training for a Great Body!

(please consult a physician before beginning any sort of exercise program such as the one listed below) Bathing suit season is near and you don’t want to be caught looking flabby – do you? Then, it is time to get up and start working out. But you want to get into great shape fast right? ...