Articles for tag: Noise Pollution

Karla News

Airport Noise: Insulation Programs Remain the Best Solution

Look out the window when taking off in a commercial jet, and unless you’re in a desolate location, you’re bound to see houses and other signs of life not too far from the runways. While those of us who live in large cities are generally adjusted to the occasional noise from an overhead plane, people ...

Karla News

The Problem of Pollution in India

The 18th century heralded the advent of industrialization. Man exploited nature for his benefits, without any foresight as to what the implications of his actions would be. In an attempt to sustain the living world, the non-living world was ignored. Industrialization, though a sign of progress, led to the urbanization. The more man is developing ...

Karla News

Gasoline Versus Electric-Powered Lawnmowers

People have commonly used gasoline-powered lawnmowers since they began to be manufactured in the twentieth century. Today, consumers use an estimated 38 million lawnmowers to keep their grass trimmed. And, out of those numbers, electric lawnmowers are finding their places on lawns across America more and more. Some of the best known brands of electric ...

Karla News

Hints on How to Get a Neighbor to Turn Down Loud Music

If you have neighbors that love to blare their music at any time of the day or night and you can’t get the point across that they are driving you crazy you can always call the cops but in most cases that is a temporary fix. The next day chances are they’ll be out blaring ...