Articles for tag: Bowel Movements, Newborns

Karla News

Monitoring Your Newborn’s Bowel Movements

Being a new parent is tough. If you thought your worries were over after the baby was delivered, guess again. Now you’re worried about things such as whether or not your newborn is warm enough, getting enough to eat and if he is having enough bowel movements. It is very important to monitor the contents ...

Karla News

How to Tell If Your Newborn is Sick

Newborns cry, wet, eat, and sleep. That’s pretty much it. They may not have a schedule yet, so they can sleep through feeding times, sometimes, or wake up crying sooner than they should. Or, they can eat, but still cry, as if they’re still hungry. It’s difficult to figure out what’s wrong with your newborn ...

Karla News

Why Do Babies Use Pacifiers?

At long last the time finally comes when baby arrives. If this is your first baby I am sure that you are just overwhelmed with how to do this and what to do with that. All first parents are. There are so many things not known that can only be learned from experience. Parents of ...

Karla News

Games to Play with a Newborn Baby

Newborn babies spend so much time sleeping, eating, and crying that it can often seem there’s not time for anything else. But newborns love playing games and newborn brain development benefits from game playing as well. Very young children learn primarily through play, so while the games you play with your newborn may seem like ...