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How to Win the Beauty Contest on Neopets

Neopets is a virtual pet site that allows you to care for virtual creatures. In addition to caring for them, you can also draw pictures of your animal to enter in the beauty contest. The winners receive virtual currency, as well as a trophy and the knowledge that their picture is the best. Even if you’re not the best artist, with a few simple tips, it’s easy to win the beauty contest.

1. There are two ways to win the beauty contest. One involves you getting the most votes overall, and the other involves you getting the most votes in your Neopet species. Even though you’ll be competing against a lot of different users, ultimately, you’re competing against the users who enter the same Neopet species as you. If you want to make it easier to win the beauty contest , try entering a pet that must users don’t have. A Quiggle or JubJub is a good example of this.

2. Draw a picture of your Neopet and enter it in the contest. It’s best to put some time and work into the picture you submit. In order to win the beauty contest, you don’t necessarily have to have the best picture, but it certainly wouldn’t hurt if you did. After you enter your pet, it will ask you to write a short speech telling other users why they should vote for you. You can write anything in your speech, but it’s best to keep it short to avoid being cut off. Remember, the beauty contest starts on Friday night and lasts a week. It’s also best to enter at least a day before the contest starts, this way if there’s a problem with your entry you have time to fix it.

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3. While you’re waiting for the beauty contest to start, get to know the users on the beauty contest board. A lot of these people will be your competition. Even though these are the users you want to beat, you should always do your best to act friendly. Winning the beauty contest is more about popularity than artwork, so make yourself known for being friendly. Other users are much more likely to vote for a nice person than someone who is running around insulting their competition.

4. Place a link to your entry in your forum signature as soon as the beauty contest starts. This makes it much easier to win. You could also try adding something like ‘Spare a vote?’ or ‘*pokes siggy*” to your normal forum text. This makes users more aware of your entry, making them more likely to vote.

5. The most important step is to advertise! If you really want to win the beauty contest, you have to advertise at a lot. Post on the beauty contest forums asking for votes, as well as in any guilds you may belong to. Start posting on the forums more so other users see the link in your signature. Neomail your friends and ask them to vote. If you have a petpage that people regularly visit, add a link there. If you’re a restocker, post the picture in your shop with a link to vote. Be creative. More people seeing your picture means more potential votes!

6. Try posting an ad on the notice board asking for other users to vote for your beauty contest entry. A lot of people think users don’t go to the notice board, but many do. You don’t need to post an expensive ad either. Instead, try posting ten to twenty cheap ads in a row. This makes it easier for users to see. You should include a link to your entry, as well as the picture if at all possible. This increases your odds of winning by a lot.

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7. Don’t give up! It’s important to advertise your pet every single day till the contest ends. It may seem like a lot of work, but if you do all of these steps, you will guarantee that your neopet wins the beauty contest!