Articles for tag: Naturopathic, Nystagmus, Vertigo

Karla News

Ok. So You Have Vertigo. Now, What Can You Do About It?

Of course the sensations of movement and symptoms accompanying vertigo can be much more violent in some cases than in others. You can feel like the floor has fallen out from under you, you can be sent hurtling to your knees. You can become blazing hot and red all over and drenched in sweat from ...

Karla News

How to Become an Herbalist

In the United States, there is no official, nationwide accreditation for becoming an herbalist. This makes the process of becoming an herbalist both easier and more difficult– while it is an easier field to enter because there are a wide variety of routes to follow, it becomes harder because universities and trade schools do not ...

Karla News

Naturopathy Schools in South Florida

The field of naturopathic medicine is growing. As it expands, there is increased need for naturopathy schools in South Florida. A licensed Naturopathy Doctor attends a four year graduate level naturopathic medical school but also completes courses in clinical nutrition, acupuncture homeopathic medicine, botanical medicine and psychological counseling. One must study both traditional naturopathic teachings ...