Articles for tag: Mood Enhancers, Norman Bates, The Exorcist, Tyler Durden

Karla News

Hobbies for Seniors

When you become a senior citizen you may find that all of a sudden you have time to pursue all the hobbies you wish but sometimes finding hobbies for seniors may not be as easy as it at first may appear. Hobbies for seniors need to fit certain guidelines. Hobbies for seniors need to be ...

Karla News

Affiliate Scams Versus Affiliate Opportunities

Scams and spam have overtaken the internet. They are very annoying. They can lead to lawsuits with big cash cow payouts. But, people won’t stop spamming or coming up with more and more scams. While on the other end is a merchant who wants to move legitimate products or services. The true affiliate opportunity exists, ...

Karla News

Calypso’s Oils – from Skin Biology

Skin Biology’s Claypso’s Oils are light, moisturizing body oils with mood enhancers (that you choose) and a bonding pheromone. Calypso’s Oil comes in versions with added pure essential fragrant oils such as lavender, jasmine, ylang ylang, and pheromones. Lavender soothes the skin and aids relaxation. Jasmine, ylang ylang and pheromone SB-74 increase interpersonal attraction, have ...