Articles for tag: Inner Ear Infection, Meclizine, Meniere's Disease

Karla News

Vertigo: Signs and Symptoms

Vertigo is the name of the 1958 Hitchcock classic. Vertigo is also the term used to describe the sensation that the world is spinning, when there is no actual movement. Until recently I hadn’t given much thought to the word vertigo in either context. That is, not until my world started spinning, and I found ...

Meclizine: Drug Treatment for Vertigo

The dizziness a person may experience is usually classified by doctors as either lightheadedness or vertigo. In the former, the person feels mentally hazy or faint, while in the latter, the person feels that the room is whirling around him. The type of dizziness experienced in vertigo is often associated with certain disorders present in ...

Common Causes of Ringing in the Ears

We have all experienced it at one time or another: an obnoxious, sometimes high-pitched ringing sensation deep within our ears, also known as tinnitus. While this is a very common short-term issue when exposed to high noise volumes, it can also be a chronic problem, which actually may be caused by a few surprising sources. ...

Karla News

Testing for Hearing Loss – the Weber and Rinne Test

Hearing loss occurs when there is loss of sound sensitivity produced by an abnormality anywhere in the auditory system. A wide variety of conditions can cause hearing loss, including otosclerosis, cholesteatoma, and others. While physicians can sometimes identify the causes of hearing loss, in some cases the causes are unknown, or idiopathic. Conductive hearing loss ...

Vertigo: What is It?

Vertigo: What Is It? Can you imagine what it would feel like if you suddenly felt the sensation of spinning out of control; or felt your surroundings spinning uncontrollable around you? Can you imagine how frightening that would be? It could be very devastating if you were in a huge crowd, like the mall, for ...

Karla News

Dizziness: How to Stop the Spinning

A staggering two million people visit their doctors for dizziness, myself included, making it one of the most common health complaints. It doesn’t matter if you are young or old, dizziness can affect anyone. Lucky for us, the Mayo Clinic says it’s not usually an indicator of an underlying serious medical condition. There are different ...

Painless or Silent Migraines

Most of you know what it feels like to have a migraine, but do you ever get the same symptoms with out the head pain? Symptoms like: Aura’s in one or both eyes, nausea, low tolerance for light, odors, or noises, circulatory problems, gastrointestinal woes like constipation, or cramps. Your stomach may even become paralyses ...

Dizziness in Women

When my cousin Ellie got up one morning, she felt like the room was spinning all around her. She was nauseous and felt she had no balance. Panic-stricken, she made an appointment with her doctor. Her diagnosis: benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV). Dizziness is one of the most common reasons for people to visit their ...

Karla News

Living with Meniere’s Disease

I have Meniere’s disease. So do over 600,000 other individuals in the United States alone. Many have it and do not even realize it. The cause is unknown; hence there is no cure at this time. I will have it for the rest of my life, although it is not fatal. It comes and goes, ...