Articles for tag: Breast Lumps, Mastitis, Paget's Disease

Possible Causes of Breast Lumps

Finding a breast lump can be a frightening experience for a woman. Although most breast lumps are not caused by cancer, there is always the chance that the lump could be a serious medical issue. Only about 20% of lumps found in a breast will turn out to be malignant cancer. So what are the ...

When a Breastfeeding Baby Bites

My son bit me while he was nursing. He drew blood. Most of my friends told me to stop nursing. However, my son had a milk allergy, so weaning would be difficult and probably expensive. I was determined to stick it out, but I found little guidance. If you are having the same problem, here ...

Karla News

Breastfeeding Help: When Your Breasts Become Lop-Sided

Has breastfeeding made one of your breasts bigger than the other? Worried that once you wean your child, your breasts won’t return to normal? Relax, you’re not alone. First and foremost, congratulations. As you well know, by choosing to breastfeed, you are doing the best that you can for your child. Second, stop feeling guilty ...

Karla News

6 Common Causes of Nipple Pain While Pumping

Pumping should not hurt, but if it is there are some adjustments that you should make in order to make yourself more comfortable. Here are six common reasons I have personally experienced that have made pumping painful and the ways that I have solved the problem: 1. Incorrect Alignment Make sure your nipples are centered ...

Karla News

Causes of Breast Calcifications

Breast calcifications are small buildups of calcium in the breasts. In mammograms, they are identifiable as white spots on the x-ray image. Breast calcifications are usually harmless benign deposits, but depending on their characteristics they can also be indicative of breast cancer and a few other conditions. Per the Mayo Clinic, cancerous growths are generally ...