Articles for tag: Market Economy, Natural Rights

Karla News

Locke, Natural Rights, and the Sharon Statement

On September 11, 1960, Young Americans for Freedom (YAF)-a still-active conservative student organization-drafted a landmark document in Sharon, Connecticut, that still provides some of the best general ideas on which a broad conservative-libertarian movement ought to be based. The “eternal truths” therein indeed have deep roots in long-enduring ideas of liberty-most notably, the natural rights ...

Is the Chinese Economy Communist?

The economic rise of China has focused increased foreign attention on the nature of China’s economy as well as the guiding ideology of the ruling Chinese Communist Party. China observers and critics often use the phrases “Red China,” “Communist China,” or “the Communist Chinese” to refer generally to various aspects of China, including its people, ...

Karla News

Examining Cotton Subsidies in the US: Are They Hypocritical?

Since the founding of the United States, the world cotton industry has been dominated by the farmers from the American south. Despite the changing times, the southern farmers have been able to maintain a comparative advantage over producers from other nations through various means. The free and ever-present labor that the farmers had at their ...

Karla News

Market Economy Vs Mixed Economy

In a market economy, an individual’s income can rise and fall depending on their success. An individual does not depend on the communities prosperity but rather there own. Everything is driven by supply and demand allowing for overall individual gain and random prosperity. A mixed economy, on the other hand, keeps significant loss and gain ...