Articles for tag: Anemones, Clownfish, Marine Fish

Karla News

How to Care for Clownfish

You might know them as “Nemo” from the popular Disney movie, but those adorable and brightly colored salt-water fish are actually called Clownfish. In nature, Clownfish are found in the Eastern Indian and Western Pacific Oceans. Since the release of the animated film, Clownfish have become the “in” pet that every fish enthusiast, child and ...

Karla News

The Yellow Tang: Zebrasoma Flavescens

The yellow tang has been considered an ideal marine fish since the dawn of time it seems. When you hear of saltwater aquariums and ask a saltwater aquarium enthusiast what type of livestock they have, yellow tang comes up time and time again. Why not? This surgeonfish is easily accessible at various retail venues, they ...

Karla News

Seahorses and Their Habitat

Seahorses (Syngnathidae) are classified as bony fish (Michael, 154). Thirty-three species of seahorses exist. When a seahorse swims, it moves itself forward slowly with its body vertical. The fish are distributed in the Eastern Atlantic from Great Britain to Morocco, Africa and the Mediterranean. Seahorses can be found living in shallow waters among algae (Beer, ...

Karla News

Controlling Algae in Reef Aquariums

Algae are common problems in all kinds of aquariums, including reef or salt-water aquariums. But it is a common misconception that algae need to be completely eliminated in the marine fish tanks. Some algae will always be present in healthy aquarium water, according to “The Everything Aquarium Book” (Adams Media; 2006.) But algae can quickly ...

Karla News

Atlantis Marine World in Long Island, New York

Come on, face your fears, come swim with sharks!!! It’s the newest exhibit at Atlantis Marine World in Riverhead, LI. Anyways, Atlantis Marine World Aquarium is much, much more than just taking a dip into the water with sharks, they have tons of salt water fish in tanks, a restaurant, and even park rides. SHARK ...

Karla News

Easy Mahi Mahi Recipes

Mahi Mahi is the fishing and seafood name of dolphin, a popular blue-water marine fish, but anglers and cooks don’t use the name dolphin because it confused people with the even more popular marine mammal dolphin, the one closely related to whales and porpoises that you see at Sea World. Mahi mahi are the unrelated ...

Karla News

Good Things to Know Before Starting a Saltwater Aquarium

Many people are interested in having fish, and many people are more specifically interested in having a saltwater aquarium. While saltwater aquariums are neat there are some things to think about before you purchase a fish tank, equipment and saltwater fish. If you are on a budget when it comes to aquariums it is a ...

Karla News

5 Things You Should Know Before Buying a Dwarf Puffer Fish

The dwarf puffer is the smallest puffer fish out of all the puffer species, so people think that they have a gentle bone in them compared to the other puffer species, and receive a big shock after buying and placing their new friend in their aquarium. There are ten highly important things you should know ...

Karla News

Clownfish and His Sea Anemone Host

A Clownfish and their very beautiful host the Sea Anemone is a very rewarding addition to your Marine Fish or Coral Reef Aquarium. Watching the Clownfish dance around in his host trying to entise others fish to join in the fun is like a work of art in progress. When you purchase your Clownfish you ...